Artist Wines No. 12

ARTIST WINES! - Uncorking musician-priced cellar secrets

Montalto Nero D'Avola, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sicily 2013

Price: $8.99  SBH Rating: 👠👞 🎤🍒 🐛♪♬

Sour cherries at the nose, with a peppery aftertaste. There is a certain get-up-and-go to this wine, a skip in its step, a hint of sunshine. This Italian number is humble, a bit shy, and likes to stay in on a Thursday night. He invites you to put on an old record, lay out the paper diagram of dance steps, and practice a little foxtrot with some friends.

Drink with: "C'est Si Bon"  - Larry Mazenski And His Champagne Orchestra